7 Reasons your Startup needs IT Consulting, and more …

In your early stage organization, you will have a long list of critical tasks and important decisions. Why make IT harder than it has to be? IT outsourcing is essential at the initial stages of your company for the following reasons:

You need more than an IT “project” consultant. You need a “Partner” with the depth and breadth of IT skills you can rely on for years. Dreams Soft provides its clients:

Human Capital. You need vision and staff concentrating on your products and delivery, not IT infrastructure.
Technical Focus. You will need talented IT engineers with a broad range of IT skills and experience. By outsourcing IT, you get the depth and breadth of IT experience you need but can't yet afford.
Create a foundation for growth. An agile IT environment permits you to expand IT infrastructure quickly and as you capture business opportunities.
Avoid Wasted Expenses. As your storage and end-user demands grow, it makes sense to “turn-up” capacity rather than use your valuable capital to purchase it. For everything IT just pay for what you use rather than invest in software and hardware, you will need to maintain, upgrade and replace.
Time Don't waste your time doing patching, upgrades, and maintenance on your IT infrastructure. Get experts to do network connectivity, security, backup, disaster recovery, database administration, manage software applications, e-commerce, and more.
Lower Overall IT Spending. Manage business cycles effectively by adjusting your IT infrastructure accordingly. Outsourcing IT will reduce your capital costs and operating budgets.
Creating Value. Increase the valuation of your business for future investors by focusing resources on products, innovation, and marketing, not IT infrastructure.


Your Startup Company Needs an IT Consulting “Partner”

You need more than an IT “project” consultant. You need a “Partner” with the depth and breadth of IT skills you can rely on for years. Dreams Soft provides its clients:
Strategic IT Advice
IT Infrastructure Monitoring and Management
IT Management & Support
Project Management
Backup and Disaster Recovery
Applications Management
24×7 US-based Help Desk, Service Desk
Managed Cloud Hosting
Complete IT Outsourcing